Welcome to Shattered Teeth! What's in the past? Death, cats and dogs fighting over for whos best, but why? The dogs wouldn't give up, the cats had to stop this... the wars lasted years the cats won and the dogs lost ending the battle. Now friends and conlonies, nothing can break these cats and dogs apart anymore just the other clans and packs can. What would happen if war was brought back? But the cats and dogs were fighting by each others sides?
New skin, new skin, new skin, new skin.... yeahs thats all...
Whats this?
Well this is nothing. Just a note from the admin. If you join and have any questions PM staff, or our main staff. We always love to hear to questions and are happy to hear them so go ahead and give us all the questions you've got! BRING IT ON!
"The village and the city could never live in harmony"
Summers Past is a friendly, relaxed, and active roleplay inspired by the Harvest Moon franchise that has been open for more than four months now. We've no word-count and no limit to the characters you can have! We welcome everyone regardless of writing skill or former roleplay experience, so why not check us out?